January Students of the Month
7th - Sara McPeek
8th - Jonah Ehlers
Freshman - Hannah Dinderman
Sophomore - Scarlett Snyder
Junior - Kyri Strope
Senior - Natalie Greene
Top Dog
Kassidy Dorty
Required Student Service Hours:
Service Hours
All students will be required to complete volunteer service hours. These hours can not be done helping a family member. Students can only complete 5 hours per year. Following are the break down of hours per class:
Seniors - 2025- 20 hours by March 31st by 2025.
Juniors - 2026 - 20 Hours by March 31st by 2026
Sophomores - 2027 - 20 hours by March 31st by 2027
Freshmen - 2028 - 20 hours by March 31st by 2028
These forms need to be filled out and turned into Mr. Kreiser.
If students do not complete their service hours, they will not be able to graduate.
If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Kreiser.
February 7th - JH Choir/Band Solo/Ensemble at Pearl City
February 12 - 3rd Quarter Midterms
February 14th - End of 3rd Quarter - Early Dismissal 11:15 - School Improvement, FFA Pork chop dinner & silent auction 5:00-7:30pm - School Cafeteria
March 2nd - Spring Sports Meeting
March 6th - Open House
March 13th - Spring Sports Pictures (JHT, HST, BB, SB, Bass Fishing)
March 14th - End of 3rd Quarter Early Dismissal 11:15 -School Improvement
March 15th - Mobile Dentist
March 21st - Early Dismissal 1:00
March 24th - 28th - Spring Break
April 14th -15th - Mobile Dentist
April 17th - Early Dismissal 1:00
April 18th - No School
April 21st - No School
May 3rd - Prom
May 6th - NHS Induction
May 18th - Graduation 1:00
May 23rd - End of 4th Quarter - Early Dismissal 1:00
May 26th - Memorial Day
May 27th - Teacher Institute