March 2020
​​As the 3rd quarter comes to a close, we are seeing an unprecedented situation with COVID-19. Please be patient with your family and school staff as you we all work together to continue to move forward.
Student assignments will be available in Google Classroom. If you are having difficulty with Internet access, please contact me and we will work out an individual plan so your child can continue his/her work.
​​I will be scheduling annual review IEP meetings during the e-learning time. These annual review meetings are required to be conducted even when school is not in session. If necessary, phone conferences will be set up to hold meetings so deadlines are met. Please contact me with any questions or concerns. I will be available via e-mail from 8:30AM-1:30PM on weekdays. You can also call the school office at 815.443.2715 and they will contact me so I can return your phone call. Thank you in advance for your support during this difficult time.