Please feel free to visit the links at the left for online resources to help your child! Online work will comprise much of their work this year as we move away from paper and pencil worksheets.
Please expect that your child will have a test, project or quiz about every other week in science.
Study guides are always sent home and available in the google classroom.
Please be aware of some of the expectations in the science classroom, as outlined on each syllabus. Safety is a priority and we reviewed those concerns at the start of the school year. We will also do weekly or bi-weekly labs or activities in class. Students may receive a participation grade for labs. Students will not get full credit during labs if they are misusing equipment, misbehaving, needing redirection from me or constantly daring another student to eat the items. I am deducting points from the lab grade for any of these behaviors. Safety is a top concern for the entire class and misbehavior will not be tolerated for that reason. If you happen to notice a lower lab grade, please ask your child about it.
Most of their assignments and tests will be online, so it's always a good idea to check Skyward, our online grading system. You will not see tests or many graded papers coming home as we use chromebooks almost daily in the classroom. If you do not know how to log into Skyward, your child does as we use this system in class very frequently. If you would like your own log in information, please call the office to set that up. It is also available as an app on your phone.
I would also like to briefly address cheating when competing assignments online. Teachers do have access to view what students are looking at when they are online. If I happen to see that a student has multiple tabs open with study guides or googling answers to online quizzes, that is an automatic zero with a disciplinary referral. Plagiarism is also considered a cheating offense and I will issue a discipline referral as well as a zero for that assignment. My study guides are completed in class and will address all topics on a given test, therefore there should be no reason to cheat if they take the time to study. I also prepare multiple review games and activities before a test, so students should feel well prepared for any tests in science.
Students textbooks will be online in their google classroom. They all know how to access and use this system.
The best way to reach me is via email at [email protected]
Thank you for your support at home! Mrs. Lorig