Hola, me llamo...
Sarah Boyer
¡Bienvenidos a la clase de Español!
I am excited to be starting my 3rd year teaching at Pearl City Jr/Sr High School and my 5th year teaching high school Spanish! This year I will be teaching Spanish 1, Spanish 2, Spanish 3, and Spanish 4.
Un poco sobre mí...//A little about me...
I graduated from Illinois State University in 2015 and moved to Denver, CO to teach English as a second language (ESL) to adults from other countries. I eventually moved back to IL to be closer to my family and to teach high school Spanish. I have always had a passion for teaching and learning other languages and continue to do so today! Other than my native language, English, I also speak Spanish and know a little French and Portuguese. I am currently learning more about German and American Sign Language (ASL). Duolingo is my favorite app! I am extremely close with my family and am lucky enough to have many family members in the Pearl City school district including both colleagues and students.
Mis cosas favoritas//My favorite things
Las plantas//Plants
Rock clásica//Classic rock
Tocar al piano//Playing piano
Chocolate negro//Dark chocolate
In this web page, you will be able to find specific information and links to your class. Just find your class to the left and you can explore your course guidelines, lessons, links, and many resources to have success in Spanish class! ¡Habla español!