Policies and Procedures

Classroom Policies and Procedures for:

Mrs. Fransen



Classroom expectations: All students who are in any of my classes will be requested to enter the room with a positive attitude and a willingness to work hard.  My job is to prepare your child for the world of work and for life outside of these school walls.  His/Her job is to take the instruction and do his/her best to meet all requirements prior to graduation. Together we can accomplish this task.



  1. Be in assigned seat, and prepared to work when the bell rings, ALWAYS being prepared for class (books, pencils, assignment, etc).
  2. Treat others and property with respect.
  3. Be attentive and follow directions the First time.
  4. Ask questions!



  1. Verbal Warning.
  2. Recess will be with me.
  3. Phone call to parents and recess with me.
  4. 30 minute detention to be served after school.
  5. For any gross disobedience/noncompliance, or vulgar/profane language, a referral will be sent to the office and the student(s) will be asked to leave the classroom immediately.


A student may skip a step depending on severity of behavior.


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